So far this year, inflows into emerging market fixed income funds alone were$ 36 billion, according to JP Morgan ( JPM). 摩根大通集团(JPMorgan)发布的数据显示,到目前为止,仅今年流入新兴市场的固定收入类资金一项就突破360亿美元。
Security documents ( fixed at20833) represent the majority of US-traded stocks and mutual funds and use actual security symbols and names. 证券文档(20833个)使用实际的证券符号和名称,表示在美国交易的大多数股票和共同基金。
Closed-end funds relative to the case of open-end funds, refers to the size of the fund prior to issuing identification, and after the issue within the period specified, the fund size fixed investment funds. 封闭式基金,是相对于开放式基金而言的,是指基金规模在发行前已确定,在发行完毕后和规定的期限内,基金规模固定不变的投资基金。
Research on Fixed Rate Model of Housing Public Accumulation Funds Loan in China 我国住房公积金贷款的固定利率模式研究
First, dollar weakness may well dampen enthusiasm for fixed income funds. 首先,美元疲软很可能会减弱投资者对固定收益基金的热情。
However, this provision shall not apply when the funds to be raised will be used to purchase fixed assets and there is a concrete plan for fund raising evidencing the need to raise the funds. 但所募得资金用途系用于购买固定资产且有具体募资计划左证其募集资金之必要性,不在此限。
The US fixed income market is discounting a cut in the Fed funds to3%, so a lot of news is already reflected in bond prices. 美国固定收益市场正在对联邦基金利率削减至3%做出反应,所以许多消息早已体现在债券价格中了。
The initial plan is to launch domestic equity and fixed income funds for the Indian market, with the aim of going live in the first quarter of 2008. 最初的计划是发起一个针对印度市场的本土股票及固定收益基金,推出的目标日期是2008年第一季度。
According to Royal Bank of Scotland, around 60 per cent of fixed asset investment in China is financed by self-raised funds. 苏格兰皇家银行(rbs)表示,中国约60%左右的固定资产投资来自于企业自筹资金。
With stocks, bonds, fixed deposits, foreign exchange and other investment instruments, securities investment funds also provide investors with an investment channels. 与股票、债券、定期存款、外汇等投资工具一样,证券投资基金也为投资者提供了一种投资渠道。
Launched in 1993 primarily as equity vehicles, ETFs have now spread across a wide range of assets, from fixed income, commodities and currencies to hedge funds and private equity. ETF最初作为股权工具于1993年推出,如今已经扩展到广泛的资产类别,从固定收益、大宗商品、外汇到对冲基金和私人股本。
As a rule, JVs can only offer funds investing in Chinese shares, fixed income and money market funds. 一般而言,合资公司只能发售投资于中国股票、固定收益产品以及货币市场基金的基金产品。
To sustain economic development, there is strong domestic fixed investment growth and therefore strong demand for funds. 为维持经济发展动力,本地固定投资增长强劲,因此对资金需求亦很大。
The deposit account can be divided into two categories as the foreign exchange fixed deposit and the foreign exchange demand deposit based on the use of funds. 根据资金的使用情况,外币储蓄可以分为定期、活期两种形式。
They are abandoning the middle ground of mainstream equity and fixed income funds, especially in the developed markets. 他们开始放弃中间选择:主流的股票基金和固定收益基金,尤其是在发达市场。
Fixed income funds invest in some combination of treasury bills, debentures, bonds, and mortgages. 固定收入基金投资一些国库券、府债券、业债券和抵押证券的组合。
I think the Interest rate of the fixed deposit is very close to that of funds. 我认为定期储蓄的平均收益率将会和基金的差不多。
Taiwan and Thailand investors were taking a cautious approach, putting their money into funds focusing on local currency fixed income funds. 台湾及泰国投资者采取了谨慎做法,主要投资于以本币计价的固定收入基金。
So, instead of having thinly capitalised entities taking risks on the lending side of the balance sheet while promising to redeem fixed obligations, financial institutions would become mutual funds. 因此,为避免资本单薄的机构一面承诺偿清固定债务、一面承担资产负债表的贷方风险,金融机构应变身为共同基金。
While these managers continue to launch new local equity and fixed income funds ( with the latter attracting the most new assets in the second quarter), all eyes are keenly focused on the longer-term potential of the QDII scheme. 尽管这些管理公司仍在推出新的本土股票和固定收益基金(后者在第二季度吸引的新资金最多),但它们都在热切关注qdii计划更长期的潜力。
The new entity, to be called bny Mellon Western fund management, will manage a range of equity and fixed income funds, which it plans to sell to retail investors through banks, insurance companies and securities houses. 新实体将被称作“纽约银行梅隆西部基金管理”(bnymellonwesternfundmanagement),将管理一系列股票和固定收益基金,计划通过银行、保险公司以及券商出售给散户投资者。
The change of the scale of the fixed assets can state the input of forestry's construction fund mostly, because fixed assets are the result of different construction funds invested finally. 固定资产规模的变化最能说明林业建设资金的投入规模状况,因为固定资产是各种建设资金投入的最终凝结。
It points out the main problems of financial funds in the course of accounting, puts up the standardization of fixed funds in bank account, strengthens the basic requirements for fund management, introduces how to appropriate funds and practical operations for accountants. 结合财政国库部门的工作实际,指出了目前财政专项资金会计核算存在的主要问题;提出了规范财政专项资金银行账户的设置、加强资金管理的基本要求;
According to the characteristics of hydraulic engineering and present depreciation method of fixed assets new depreciation method is proposed, which resolve the questions existed in operational life of fixed assets, funds shortage for renewal and lag in compensation fund use. 对水利工程的特点及水利工程现有折旧方法进行了分析,提出了新的折旧方法,解决了目前固定资产使用年限不合实际,更新改造资金不足,折旧基金提取速度过慢的问题。
Meanwhile, the paper examines the paid utilization management institutions and management model, discusses in details the military utility of a fixed quota model, proposes the corresponding charging mechanism based on the fixed quota model and explores the management of funds. 同时对军校公用房的有偿使用管理机构和管理模式进行了研究,详细论述了军校公用房面积定额模式,以及在该模式的基础上建立了相应的收费模式,并对经费的管理进行了探讨。
However, with a fixed state education funds investment, lots of higher education schools have to ask loans from banks to ease the shortage of money for development, and the amount of loan keeps increasing. 在国家教育经费投入一定的情况下,许多高校为了缓解学校发展经费的不足,纷纷进行银行贷款,而且规模越来越大。
Many small and medium enterprises have difficulty in the traditional fixed mortgage financing mode to obtain funds due to their asset structure. 很多中小企业由于自身资产结构的特点,难以在传统固定抵押融资担保模式中获取资金。
Structured financial products are combinated by fixed income and derivatives, investment has provided a guarantee for the capital invested in the fixed part of the funds in securities; the other hand, part of the highly leveraged derivatives may earn high income. 结构性理财产品是固定收益与衍生品的结合,投资于固定证券部分的资金为投资本金提供了保障;另一方面,衍生品部分的高杠杆性又使赚得高收益成为可能。